The Fundació Robert Graves was formed in 2003 with the participation of the Govern de les Illes Balears (the autonomous Government of the Balearic Islands) and the Ajuntament de Deià (the Deià Town-Hall). It comes under the auspices (protectorado) of the Council of Education, Culture and Universities of the Govern de les Illes Balears.

The Fundació Robert Graves is a not-for-profit public body based in the Balearic Islands. Its fundamental purpose to make Graves’s work better known in Spain, and to maintain a permanent exhibit in celebration of his life and work by acquiring and opening Ca n’Alluny, his house in Deià, to the public. The foundation acquired the property and furnishings in 2005. La Casa de Robert Graves opened to the public in July 2006.

The stated aims —as translated from the Fundació Robert Graves’s constitution (estatutos) — are:

  1. To maintain and manage the permanent exhibition on the life and work of Robert Graves in Ca n’Alluny, the author’s house in the village of Deià, Mallorca.
  2. To maintain and disseminate the cultural legacy which Robert Graves created in Mallorca.
  3. To promote or put on cultural events and activities related to life and work of Robert Graves.
  4. To collaborate in the study and research of the works of Robert Graves.
  5. To promote the island of Mallorca through those aspects of Robert Graves’s life and work most connected with the island and Deià.
  6. To celebrate literary congresses, and other literary events.
  7. To encourage contacts with those foreign universities which hold manuscripts and letters of Robert Graves (UK., USA, Canada, etc.).
  8. To collaborate with the University of the Balearic Islands in projects related to the figure of Robert Graves.
  9. To seek funding from any person or institution whether public or private to be employed in undertaking projects related to promoting and disseminating the work of Robert Graves and his ties to Mallorca.
  10. To acquire buildings and chattels in order to increase and or improve the preservation and dissemination of the work of Robert Graves.
  11. To undertake of all duties concerned with the administration, custody and preservation of the foundation’s assets.
  12. To undertake of any other activity necessary or expedient for the running of the Fundació and to realize the above mentioned aims.

In fulfilling its ends, the foundation should ensure that it safeguards the reputation and the literary figure of Robert Graves.